Dave Ramsey has been quoted as saying the only ship that won't sail is a partnership! (Or something like that.). I did a startup that utilized printed material...my first version had a couple of mistakes and was not to the level of quality that I desired in version 2. If I would have been infused with other's money I would have a basement full of paper waiting to become firewood! Almost did a partnership on another business where the people working there that would have been partners eventual left and did not share the same values. Grateful the partnership remained my wife and I!

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Ha! Good point. Hadn't heard the Ramsey quote.

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Yep. Can't tell you how much I agree with this. I've seen too many entrepreneurs mindlessly chasing VC money and bank loans without considering alternative forms of financing. VCs are a bunch of thieves and pirates. The banks are fine as long as your crystal ball is crystal clear. Banks put you on a really short leash. Katy bar the door if you have a bad year.

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You got that Traeger fired up?

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Brisket, baby, Brisket.

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